Now Offering QHHT Sessions
QHHT is Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique and was created & perfected by Dolores Cannon.
QHHT is a hypnosis technique that accesses your past lives and connects you to your higher consciousness. This is a incredibly powerful form of healing. There is so much information & healing to be gained by accessing the past life that is most appropriate for you.
In these sessions, you also receive healing energetically and through the answers to your most important questions about the life you are living today.
What is QHHT?:
QHHT Testimonials:
"The gifts of our QHHT session continue to expose the treasures you so compassionately and expertly create and reveal. A month later and I still receive understanding and peace in so many ways. Your guidance through this transformative process is both gentle and powerful. The recording to review is essential and I know I will continue to grow and flourish as it continues to unfold. My deepest gratitude and respect for you. 💕" ~N.B.
"Cheryl was extremely kind and gentle in her approach. We worked together for hours as she prepared me for the QHHT session. She made sure that she got all my questions answered, then took time after the session to explain to me what came through and how the next few days will be like for me. Cheryl was able to use regressive hypnosis to take me back to my past lives and beyond to uncover the traumas that are holding me back in the present life. Really helped me open my mind in different ways! I would definitely recommend trying QHHT session with her. She was super helpful and very soothing voice! It was a pleasure to work with Cheryl and I look forward to staying in touch." ~ Leah
Video Testimonial:
Please note that QHHT sessions are 5-6 hours in length.
Alchemical Healing
Alchemical Healing is an incredible energy healing modality. As a Practitioner and now as a Teacher, I have witnessed many amazing sessions using this method of healing. With Alchemical Healing, you have the potential to get to the root of the issue, working layer by layer to resolve what is truly behind our ailments. With access to unique tools and techniques, we can help access and release the energy that is causing you stress, discomfort and dis-ease.
Every healing session that I provide is quite different, depending on the client and their needs and the healing that is required. That being said, here is what you can expect: We would begin the session by briefly discussing your health history and your current concerns regarding your physical, mental or emotional health. Clients remain fully clothed and lie comfortably on a massage table. I will guide you through the heart breath and then the healing begins. I predominantly work above the client's body within their energy field. The duration of the healing session is typically between 1-1.5 hours in length.
It is my belief that all physical, emotional, and mental health issues can be treated with Alchemical Healing and that the body has the inherent ability to heal itself.
What is Alchemical Healing? Here are a couple of short videos describing Alchemical Healing & an Alchemical Healing Session:
"As soon as I was greeted I felt that I was in good hands. There is something so special about being heard and guided through such different emotions and experiences with someone you barely know and they are holding such a safe place for you. To feel and see so much love and light is such a blessing.
My hope is for everyone to experience alchemy healing at least once! Thank you for my experience and looking forward to having another session!
Love and light! " ~Julie A.

Distant Healing
Distant Healing is very similar to the Healing described above however, the treatment is provided over the phone or via Skype/FaceTime. This is a great option for those with mobility issues or for those who are a great distance away. Please note that arrangements can be made to travel to you for a healing session (additional charges may apply).

Soul Alignment Coaching Programs
Energy healing, mixed with amazing life coach tools & techniques to help you achieve your goals in life. My Programs are customized to fit your specific needs. These one on one Programs provide long lasting change to really help transform your life. I provide guidance, support, accountability, intuition and energy healing all rolled into one program. I'm currently offering free consultations to see if this is right for you. Contact me today for your free 15-30 min session.

Space Clearing
Space clearing is an amazing way to cleanse and balance the energy in your home or business. It transforms the negative or heavy energy (whatever that might be) within your space to shift the vibration to a more positive, relaxed, healthier & lighter state of being.
Appropriate times for space clearing:
~ Before you move into a new home
~ Selling your current home
~ To increase positive energy,
morale & productivity in the
~ Starting or ending a relationship
~ After an illness or loss in the family
~ If you are feeling out of sorts or
sensing a heaviness or general
unease in the space
~ After an unpleasant visitor

New Prices for March 1st, 2024:
Consultation (15-30 mins) ~ Free
Mini Healing Session (30 mins) ~ $60
Alchemical Healing Session ~ $111
QHHT Session ~ $333
Ionic Foot Detox ~ $35
Soul Alignment Program ~ Cost is determined
by the length of Program. Please contact
me for further details & Information
Space Clearing ~ $200 per hour
2 Hour Minimum
(Cost is ultimately determined by the size
of home or business, travel distance &
energy to be released. Please contact me
for an estimate.
Cash, cheques, e-transfers & PayPal accepted.
If the exchange is a challenge at the moment
for you, I encourage you to contact me. I now
have a fund set up to help with financial aid.
We can also discuss alternative arrangements
or exchanges. I am also open to creating
payment plans if that is helpful.